Email: Grace.Gretes@tensegritylawgroup.com
Phone: 571-545-7892 (direct)
STE 910
MCLEAN, VA 22102
Grace Gretes
Grace Gretes has experience serving clients in complex litigation matters in district court, post-grant proceedings, and on appeal at the Federal Circuit in a wide range of technological spaces, including biotherapeutics, biotechnology, pharmaceuticals, medical devices, quantum computing, and materials engineering.
Before joining Tensegrity Law Group, she served as a law clerk to the Honorable Alan D. Lourie of the United States Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit. Prior to her clerkship, Grace spent seven years at Wilson Sonsini Goodrich & Rosati working on PTAB matters before the Patent and Trademark Office. Before becoming an attorney, Grace earned her Ph.D. in chemistry, focusing her research on stereoselective organocatalysis and computational quantum chemistry.
Admissions and Qualifications:
- Washington (2021)
- District of Columbia (2022)
- Maryland (2025)
- United States Patent and Trademark Office (2016)
- United States Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit (2024)
- Berkeley Law, J.D. (2021)
- University of Michigan, Ph.D., Chemistry (2015)
- Skidmore College, B.A., Chemistry (2010)